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Avvo Rating Superb
10 Best Attorney Client Satisfaction 2012
The National Trial Lawyers - Top 100
US Disctrict Court for the Northern District of Illinois
The Chicago Bar Association
The American Society of Legal Advocates

Cook County Criminal Defense Lawyer

I have been handling criminal cases throughout the Chicago area for over-26 years. I am based out of Schaumburg, Illinois. I handle criminal cases throughout all the courthouses in Cook County, DuPage County, Kane County and Lake County, Illinois.

Unless you have been placed under arrest and faced criminal prosecution, you have no idea how terrifying facing criminal charges can be. I am constantly reminded of how serious my obligation is when I look in the faces of the people that I represent. I know what they are going through and understand that when they hire me to be their lawyer, they are counting on me to guide them through the process and to obtain a successful result for them. These are people with families, jobs, futures, and other people depending on them. Having their lives in my hands is a responsibility I take seriously. I am constantly reminded that I am more than just a Schaumburg criminal defense lawyer.

I tell my clients that they need to understand that the police are not there to help them. The police are there to do their job and make an arrest and close the case. If you are being questioned by a police officer you need to understand that the police officer is not there to help you. The police officer knows that you are scared and that you will do almost anything to go home.

The police will make you promises, play on your fears, hopes, and vulnerabilities, to get you to talk to them. The police will sometimes lie to you, or make you promises of leniency, to get you to talk to them. Unfortunately, the US Supreme Court has said that this is perfectly legal and acceptable police procedure. The police know that the more you talk, the more likely it is that you will say something that will make their jobs easier. But if the police start questioning you and you demand to speak to an attorney; the US Supreme Court has said that the police must stop all questioning of you when you demand to speak to a lawyer. That’s why you should immediately demand to speak to a lawyer if the police start questioning you and you should not let the police change your mind.

Do Not Answer Any Questions by The Police Until You Speak to an Experienced Criminal Lawyer Who Will Protect You and Look Out For Your Interests!

You should understand that when you are being investigated by the police, your freedom and your future could potentially be on the line. Anything you say can be used against you in court. The police may mention this to you in passing but you really need to understand how important this point is. You don’t know what the police are doing and what they are investigating so you don’t know what your answers will mean and how they could be used against you later on to make it sound and look like you are guilty of a crime. That’s why the best course of action is to demand a lawyer and persist with your demand that they get you a lawyer.It’s your constitutional right!.

26 Years of Unparalleled Success as a Criminal Defense Lawyer

Chicago Criminal Defense attorney, James G. Dimeas, has devoted his legal career to representing people in criminal cases only in Chicago, Cook County, DuPage County, Kane County, and Lake County. James Dimeas has appeared in Federal Court in Chicago, Rockford and Las Vegas, Nevada.

Unless you have faced criminal charges in the past, facing criminal prosecution can be a daunting and scary experience. The criminal justice system can be complicated and difficult to understand. James Dimeas understands that you will have questions about what is happening with your case and what the plan is for winning your case. In order to help you understand what is going on, James Dimeas will give you his personal cell phone number so you can ask any questions to help you understand what is going on and what the strategy is to win your case. Your assistance will be critical to helping James Dimeas win your case. If you understand what is happening with your case, you will be able to provide James Dimeas with the assistance he needs to help win your case.

James Dimeas is a Chicago criminal defense attorney who has a proven track record of fighting criminal cases and winning. James Dimeas is not afraid to take on the police and prosecutors to defend his clients and to win criminal cases. James Dimeas understands that to win your criminal case, he must be fearless and stand up to the power of the government. James Dimeas is known by the Judges and Prosecutors and is respected and admired for his legal skills and his knowledge of the law. James Dimeas has earned the respect and admiration of all the players in the criminal justice system.

Chicago criminal defense attorney, James Dimeas, is a nationally-recognized, award-winning criminal defense lawyer that has a long record of prestigious awards and commendation for his exceptional legal skills and impressive accomplishments. Here’s some of the impressive awards that have been given to James Dimeas:

  • AVVO is the nation’s leading organization that rates attorneys. James Dimeas is rated a perfect “10” by AVVO. This rating is the highest possible rating that any criminal defense attorney can have in the United States.
  • James Dimeas was recognized as a “Top 100 Criminal Defense Trial Lawyer” by The National Trial Lawyers. In order to be recognized as a Top Lawyer by The National Trial Lawyers, you must be the “best of the best.” This honor is reserved for only a few of the best criminal defense lawyers in the United States.
  • James Dimeas was named a “Best DUI Attorney.”
  • James Dimeas was named a “10 Best Attorney for Client Satisfaction” by the American Institute of Criminal Law Attorneys.
  • Attorney and Practice Magazine gave James Dimeas the “Top 10 Criminal Defense Attorney Award for Illinois.”
  • The National Academy of Criminal Defense Attorneys gave James Dimeas the “Top 10 Attorney Award for the State of Illinois.”
  • Expertise named James Dimeas a “Best Criminal Defense Lawyer in Chicago.”
  • The American Society of Legal Advocates named James Dimeas a “Top 100 Criminal Defense Lawyer in the State of Illinois For the Year 2018 and 2019.”

James Dimeas is a Chicago criminal defense attorney who has spent his entire career focusing on only handling criminal cases. James Dimeas is a staunch believer in the Rule of Law and in the Constitution. James Dimeas believes that he has a special responsibility to use his unique legal skills and his extensive experience to protect the rights of criminal defendants. James Dimeas believes that the legal rights of criminal defendants must be protected in order to maintain our Constitution and our way of life. James Dimeas believes that it is essential that an attorney representing criminal defendants communicate effectively and regularly with his clients. Keeping you informed about your case is critical to the success of a criminal defense attorney. James Dimeas believes that a criminal defense attorney must put the interest of his client above everything. You should always know what your lawyer is doing for you and what your lawyer’s plan is for handling your case.


Individual Attention to Your Criminal Case

Every criminal case presents its own unique challenges that requires the unique legal skills that only an experienced criminal defense attorney can provide. Chicago criminal defense lawyer, James Dimeas, has developed the skills necessary to properly evaluate a case and to develop strategies that have been proven to win cases. The skills and strategies used by James Dimeas have been developed and improved over 26 years of focusing all his time on only handling criminal cases throughout Chicago, Cook County, DuPage County, Kane County, and Lake County. James Dimeas has also developed personal relationships with Judges and Prosecutors that makes it possible for him to have honest discussions with the major players in the Criminal Justice system that he regularly uses to obtain the best results for his clients. The ability to have these connections is based on the credibility that he has developed over his long and accomplished career of handling criminal cases throughout the Chicago Metropolitan Area. It’s the kind of credibility that causes other criminal lawyers in the Chicago Metropolitan area to ask James Dimeas for advice on how to handle their criminal cases.

Experienced and Proven Defense Strategies

James Dimeas will evaluate your case and develop a defense strategy that will apply to your individual case. Depending on the facts of the case, James Dimeas will attack the state’s case to start the process of making the criminal charges disappear. Some of the strategies that James Dimeas has employed in Criminal cases in Chicago, Cook County, DuPage County, Kane County, and Lake County involve:

  • requiring the State to prove probable cause to pull over a motorist;
  • challenge the search of a motor vehicle and seek to suppress any evidence seized as a result of an illegal search of a motor vehicle;
  • challenge the legal admissibility of any statements you made that the state is attempting to introduce in court in your case;
  • challenge the legal sufficiency of a search warrant;
  • if the police did not have a search warrant to search your residence, challenge the search of your residence and require the State to prove that an exception to the requirement that they have a search warrant to search your residence existed;
  • challenge the legal sufficiency of lineup identification;
  • challenge the collection efforts of evidence obtained by the police;
  • challenge the scientific evidence, such as fingerprints and DNA evidence;
  • challenge the chain of custody of the evidence sought to be used against you in Court;
  • challenge the legal sufficiency and validity of the legal statute under which you are being prosecuted;
  • attack the credibility of the eyewitnesses;
  • attack the credibility of the police officers by exposing inconsistencies in police reports, Grand Jury testimony, or Preliminary Hearing testimony;
  • expose racial bias and profiling by the police;
  • keep the state from proving every element of the crime that you are being charged with.

Beware: Make Sure You Hire a Real Criminal Defense Lawyer!

The recent economic crisis has affected the legal profession in a substantial way. The declining number of real estate closings and the online legal services websites have impacted the legal profession. Stuff that you needed a lawyer to do can now be done by ordering a form and packet online and doing it yourself. Motor vehicles have become safer so there are fewer car accidents. This means that there are fewer and fewer personal injury lawsuits being filed. These changes have caused many attorneys to turn to criminal cases to help generate income. Many lawyers, who now hold themselves out as Criminal defense lawyers, simply do not have the experience to handle criminal cases. It's not their fault. These lawyers are just trying to earn a living in difficult times. But it’s something you should be aware of when you are deciding on who to hire to represent you. Just because someone calls themselves a criminal defense attorney does not mean they are really a criminal defense lawyer.

Chicago criminal lawyer James Dimeas is not one of those lawyers. James Dimeas has always been a criminal attorney and will always practice criminal law. James Dimeas works in the same courthouses and courtrooms throughout Chicago, Cook County, DuPage County, Kane County, and Lake County that he has been working in for decades. James Dimeas is a familiar face in all the local criminal courts and does not need to ask for directions or advice on how to handle any criminal case.

Often, the most critical factor in determining whether you will have a successful resolution to your criminal case is if you are being represented by a good criminal defense lawyer who knows what they are doing. Chicago criminal lawyer James Dimeas gives you that winning factor. James Dimeas is that experienced criminal defense lawyer who will stand up for you and give you the best chance to have a successful resolution of your case. James Dimeas knows what he is doing and understands what the consequences are that you are facing. James Dimeas will guide you through the process and only do what is in your best interests.

You can always contact Chicago criminal defense attorney, James Dimeas, for a free and confidential consultation. You can talk to James Dimeas personally by calling him at 847-807-7405 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. James Dimeas can help you get out of trouble.

Client Reviews

I got into an argument with my ex-boyfriend. One thing led to another and when he came close to me I pushed him away. He called the police and when I spoke to the police I told them that I pushed him without realizing that you don't have to hit someone to be charged with a Domestic Battery. Being...


Had a DUI and hired a lawyer who lived in my building that I knew for years and trusted. Thought he was my friend. Paid him (more than I should have) and he handled my case for almost a year and totally screwed it up. I fired him and found out that he had given up his law license around the time I...


I had been accused of doing something, by my then wife, that I did not do. I was 100% innocent and was at the lowest point in my life. My mother told me to call James Dimeas. Her friend recommended him to her. James fought for me in court and refused to back down, even when the prosecution offered...


James Dimeas is a great lawyer who knows what he is doing and will guide you through every step of the process. He will go above and beyond what he needs to do to help you out. Sometimes I would text him in the evening or the weekend with a question and he would always respond. Really made me feel...


I am so lucky to have stumbled upon this great attorney. I made a really stupid mistake at the worst time. I needed to get a case dismissed within 2 or 3 weeks so I could join the military. I could not leave for Basic Training until the case was dismissed and Jim made some calls and got the case...

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  2. 2 Available 24/7
  3. 3 Over 25 Years of Experience
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