Lake County Alternative Prosecution Program

Lake County Alternative Prosecution Program Attorney. Keeping Your Record Clean

Lake County Deferred Prosecution lawyer, James Dimeas, has been handling criminal cases in Lake County for over-27 years. James Dimeas has extensive experience in handling criminal cases involving the Lake County Deferred Prosecution Program. The Lake County Deferred Prosecution program was started by the Lake County State’s Attorney’s Office in 2017. The Lake County Deferred Prosecution Program allows first-time, non-violent offenders, who, in exchange for accepting responsibility, are given an opportunity to avoid having a criminal conviction permanently placed on their criminal record. The program is designed to give first-time non-violent offenders an opportunity to avoid having a criminal conviction on their record which could follow them around for the rest of their lives making it difficult, if not impossible, to get a good job and move forward with their lives.

The Lake County Alternative Prosecution Program is another tool that Lake County Criminal Defense Lawyer, James Dimeas, is using every day to help his clients avoid having a criminal conviction appear in a background search. In order to take full advantage of the Lake County Alternative Prosecution Program you have to make sure that you lawyer fully understands how the Lake County Alternative Prosecution Program works and what needs to be done to have a client be accepted into the Lake County Alternative Prosecution Program. James Dimeas also understands that it is critical that he understands how the program works so that he could help his clients successfully complete the requirements of the Lake County Alternative Prosecution Program.

Are You Eligible for the Lake County Alternative Prosecution Program?

An experienced and effective Lake County Criminal Defense Attorney must understand what the Lake County Alternative Prosecution Program is and how the program works. First, James Dimeas has a thorough understanding of the eligibility requirements of the Lake County Alternative Prosecution Program. If any of the following conditions exist, you will not be eligible for the Lake County Alternative Prosecution Program.

  • You cannot have a prior criminal conviction.
  • You cannot be on supervision, probation, or conditional discharge. This includes any prior 410 or 510 probation.
  • You cannot be charged with a Violent Crime, a Sex Crime, a Domestic Battery, or a crime against a child or elderly person.
  • You will not be eligible for the Lake County Alternative Prosecution Program if you are a known gang member.
  • You will not be eligible for the program if the crime that you are being charged with does not allow for a sentence of probation.
  • You will not be eligible for the Lake County Alternative Prosecution Program if you are being charged with Arson, Delivery of a Controlled Substance, Intent to Deliver a Controlled Substance, Identity Theft, a Hate Crime, Stalking, DUI or a Traffic Offense, or are being charged with using a weapon to commit a crime.
  • You will not be allowed into the Lake County Alternative Prosecution Program if the crime was committed while you were on Bond for another criminal case or if you are under an Order of Protection.
  • You will not be eligible for the Lake County Alternative Prosecution Program if you have previously participated in this program or a similar First Offender program in any other jurisdiction.
  • You must be a resident of Lake County, Illinois.

How to Begin the Process of Getting into the Lake County Alternative Prosecution Program

A defendant may be referred to the Alternative Prosecution Program by anyone involved in the criminal case including the Judge, State’s Attorney, Defense Attorney, or the Police Officer. The Lake County State’s Attorney’s Office will accept any referral made to the Lake County Alternative Prosecution Program prior to the Arraignment. Most referrals to the Lake County Alternative Prosecution Program are made by the Defendant’s criminal defense attorney at the very first court date.

How Much Does It Cost and What Happens at The Initial Interview?

The Lake County State’s Attorney’s will do an initial review of the referral to make sure that all of the conditions and eligibility requirements of the Alternative Prosecution Program are met. If you meet the eligibility requirements, the Lake County State’s Attorney’s office will schedule an initial interview with you. In order to schedule the interview, you must pay a $70.00 non-refundable fee to the Clerk of the Circuit Court. You must bring a copy of the receipt proving that you paid the $70 non-refundable fee to your initial intake interview. The initial interview will be conducted by a representative of the Lake County State’s Attorney’s Office and the requirements of the program will be explained to you at that time.

If you are accepted into the Program, the fees cannot be more than $1,500. You will be required to pay a $200 fee to a Lake County not-for-profit anti-crime program and a $125 drug monitoring fee. You may also be required to pay restitution to the victim as part of the requirements of the program.

The Citizen’s Panel

If you pass the initial intake interview and the Lake County State’s Attorney’s Office determines that you meet all of the eligibility requirements for the Alternative Prosecution Program, you will be scheduled a date to appear before the Alternative Prosecution Citizen Panel. When you appear before the Citizens Panel, you will be asked to explain your conduct and to fully accept responsibility for your crime. The Citizens Panel will deliberate and make a recommendation to the Lake County State’s Attorney office regarding whether they think you should be accepted into the Alternative Prosecution Program. They will also suggest what requirements and expectations should be required of you in order to successfully complete the Alternative Prosecution Program.

The Lake County State’s Attorney’s Office

If the Citizen Panel recommends that you be accepted into the Lake County Alternative Prosecution Program, the Lake County State’s Attorney’s Office will review your application and the recommendation of the Citizen Panel. The State’s Attorney’s Office will receive feedback from the victim and the police officer and determine whether your application to the Lake County Alternative Prosecution Program should be accepted.

If the Lake County State’s Attorney’s Office accepts your application, you will be required to sign a Program Agreement at your next court date. The Program Agreement will require that you plead guilty to the criminal charges against you and the case will be continued for a set date for you to complete all of the program requirements. It is important to understand that you will not be sentenced at this court date. Your guilty plea will be accepted and your case will be continued for a final date for you to complete the Alternative Prosecution Program.

Successful Completion of the Lake County Alternative Prosecution Program

If you appear at your final court date with proof that you successfully completed all of the requirements if the Lake County Alternative Prosecution Program. the Lake County State’s Attorney’s Office will agree to vacate your guilty plea. This means that your guilty plea will be removed, dismissed, and thrown out. The Lake County State’s Attorney’s Office will then dismiss the criminal charges against you.

However, if you do not successfully complete the requirements of the Alternative Prosecution Program, or if you commit a new criminal offense, the case will continue and your guilty plea to the criminal charges will stand and a criminal conviction will be entered against you. The only question before the court will be what your sentence will be for the guilty plea to the initial criminal charges.

If your application to the Alternative Prosecution Program is rejected any time prior to you being accepted into the program and before signing a Program Agreement, your case will be returned to court and the prosecution of your criminal case will continue.

Experienced Lake County Alternative Prosecution Program to Help You Successfully Complete the Program

Lake County Deferred Prosecution Attorney, James Dimeas, has been handling criminal cases in Lake County for over-27 years. James Dimeas knows how to get you into the Lake County Alternative Prosecution Program and will give you the best chance of avoiding a criminal conviction on your criminal record. James Dimeas understands the importance of keeping your record clean and avoiding having a criminal conviction appear in a background search. James Dimeas will do everything right to make sure that you have the best chance of getting into the Lake County Alternative Prosecution Program and keeping your criminal record clean. James Dimeas will use his extensive experience and knowledge of how the Lake County Alternative Prosecution Program works to help guide you to successful completion of the program.

James Dimeas is a nationally-recognized, award-winning, Lake County Criminal Defense Lawyer. Attorney and Practice Magazine gave James Dimeas the “Top 10 Criminal Defense Attorney Award for Illinois.” Recently, James Dimeas was recognized by the American Society of Legal Advocates as a “2018 Top 100 Lawyer.” Expertise named James Dimeas a “Best Criminal Defense Lawyer in Chicago.” James Dimeas was named a “Best DUI Attorney.” The American Institute of Criminal Law Attorneys recognized James Dimeas as a “10 Best Attorney for Client Satisfaction.” Th, e National Trial Lawyers named James Dimeas a “Top 100 Criminal Defense Trial Lawyer.” AVVO rates James Dimeas as “Superb,” 10 out of 10, the highest rating possible for any criminal defense attorney in the United States.

If you are facing criminal charges in Lake County, you can contact James Dimeas anytime for a free and confidential consultation. You can always speak to James Dimeas personally by calling him at 847-807-7405.

Client Reviews

I got into an argument with my ex-boyfriend. One thing led to another and when he came close to me I pushed him away. He called the police and when I spoke to the police I told them that I pushed him without realizing that you don't have to hit someone to be charged with a Domestic Battery. Being...


Had a DUI and hired a lawyer who lived in my building that I knew for years and trusted. Thought he was my friend. Paid him (more than I should have) and he handled my case for almost a year and totally screwed it up. I fired him and found out that he had given up his law license around the time I...


I had been accused of doing something, by my then wife, that I did not do. I was 100% innocent and was at the lowest point in my life. My mother told me to call James Dimeas. Her friend recommended him to her. James fought for me in court and refused to back down, even when the prosecution offered...


James Dimeas is a great lawyer who knows what he is doing and will guide you through every step of the process. He will go above and beyond what he needs to do to help you out. Sometimes I would text him in the evening or the weekend with a question and he would always respond. Really made me feel...


I am so lucky to have stumbled upon this great attorney. I made a really stupid mistake at the worst time. I needed to get a case dismissed within 2 or 3 weeks so I could join the military. I could not leave for Basic Training until the case was dismissed and Jim made some calls and got the case...


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