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Violent Crimes

Violent Crimes Lawyer-Serving Cook County, DuPage County, Lake County, and Kane County

Chicago criminal defense attorney, James Dimeas, has been handling Violent Crime cases throughout Cook County, DuPage County, Kane County, and Lake County for over-27 years. Violent crime cases can be some of the most difficult cases to defend in Illinois. There are many reasons for that. The main reason is that Illinois criminal law imposes the most severe criminal penalties for violent crimes. The victim in a violent crime is always at least one individual. Most victims have friend and family members who can become concerned with the case. Whenever you have a victim in any crime, especially a victim of a violent crime, the prosecutor will usually not be willing to negotiate an agreement unless the victim agrees to the result. This could make it very difficult to negotiate with a prosecutor if a victim is injured or harmed in any serious way.

Some of the most common violent crimes in Illinois are;

If you are charged with a violent crime in Cook County, DuPage County, Kane County, or Lake County you need to contact criminal defense lawyer, James Dimeas, immediately to discuss your legal options. James Dimeas has over-27 years of experience handling many violent crime cases throughout Cook County, DuPage County, Kane County, and Lake County.

James Dimeas, is an award-winning, nationally recognized, criminal defense lawyer. Recently, the American Society of Legal Advocates named James Dimeas a “Top 100 Criminal Defense Lawyer In the State of Illinois For the Year 2018, 2019, and 2020.” James Dimeas was recognized by Expertise as a “Best Criminal Defense Lawyer in Chicago”. James Dimeas was named a “Best DUI Attorney.” The National Trial Lawyers named James Dimeas a “Top 100 Criminal Defense Trial Lawyer.” The American Institute of Criminal Law Attorneys recognized James Dimeas as a “10 Best Attorney for Client Satisfaction”. Attorney and Practice Magazine gave James Dimeas the “Top 10 Criminal Defense Attorney Award for Illinois,” and the “Top 10 DUI Defense Attorney” award. The National Academy of Criminal Defense Attorneys gave James Dimeas the “Top 10 Attorney Award for the State of Illinois.” James Dimeas is rated “Superb,” 10 out of 10, by AVVO, the highest rating possible for any Violent Crime lawyer in the United States. James Dimeas has written a nationally published book that helps teach lawyers how to handle criminal cases and has been featured on the television news and in newspaper articles. James Dimeas knows how to handle violent crime cases and will look out for his client’s best interests in Court. James Dimeas is always personally available to discuss your case at 847-807-7405.

Violent Crime Criminal Law in Illinois

The main element that makes up virtually every violent criminal case in Illinois is the element of intent. Let’s look at Murder as an example. There’s various ways that you can be charged with Murder in Illinois. There is First Degree Murder, Second Degree Murder, Manslaughter, Voluntary Manslaughter, Involuntary Manslaughter, Felony Murder, etc. The conviction for any type of Murder may carry a different criminal penalty but in order to be convicted of any of these Murder offenses, the state has to prove that you had the intent to kill, or the intent to do great bodily harm to someone, or the intent to commit another felony. Intent is an element in every violent crime. The state must prove the intent beyond a reasonable doubt. This usually becomes the focus of coming up with a defense to a violent crime in Illinois. An experienced and a skilled criminal defense lawyer will focus on building a defense around challenging the state around the issue of intent.

Criminal defense lawyer James Dimeas has spent the past 27 years handling Violent Crimes throughout Cook County, DuPage County, Kane County, and Lake County. James Dimeas has handled several high-profile violent crime cases and has developed the trial skills and defense strategies necessary to come up with an effective legal defense to a violent crime. James Dimeas will fight the state at every stage of the proceedings. James Dimeas will force the state to prove every element of their case and he will look out for his client’s best interests. You can always contact James Dimeas for a free and confidential consultation about your case. You can speak to James Dimeas personally by calling 847-807-7405 to discuss your case and your options.

Legal Defenses for Violent Crimes in Illinois

Criminal defense attorney, James Dimeas, will review the specific facts of your case and will come up with an effective legal strategy that gives you the best chance of winning your case. Some of the things that James Dimeas will look at in formulating an effective defense strategy include the following:

  • attack any evidence that the state may try to use to prove intent;
  • did the police obtain evidence that was recovered as a result of a search of a car or a residence? If they did, did they have a search warrant or was there a legally recognized exception to the search warrant requirement?
  • did the police conduct a lineup, and if they did was it a legally sufficient lineup?
  • if the state is trying to use a statement you made against you in court, did the police properly administer the Miranda warnings?
  • if the state is seeking to introduce forensic evidence, such as DNA evidence, or fingerprint evidence, was the evidence properly collected and tested?
  • if the state is trying to use the testimony of eyewitnesses, the credibility of the witnesses needs to be challenged.

Criminal Defense Lawyer James Dimeas for Experienced and Proven Defense of Violent Crimes in Cook County, DuPage County, Kane County, and Lake County

Criminal lawyer, James Dimeas, limits his legal practice to criminal cases only. James Dimeas believes that in order to be the best criminal defense lawyer he can be he must focus on handling criminal cases only and not trying to be the best divorce or real estate lawyer he can be. For the past 26 years, criminal defense lawyer, James Dimeas, has been handling violent crime cases throughout Chicago, Cook County, DuPage County, Kane County, and Lake County. James Dimeas has the experience that gets results. James Dimeas knows how to handle himself in Court and knows how to represent his client in criminal court so as to provide the effective representation that everyone facing serious criminal charges deserves.

You can contact James Dimeas anytime for a free and confidential consultation about your case. To discuss your case with Attorney James Dimeas personally, you can call him anytime at 847-807-7405 for a free and confidential consultation.

Client Reviews

I got into an argument with my ex-boyfriend. One thing led to another and when he came close to me I pushed him away. He called the police and when I spoke to the police I told them that I pushed him without realizing that you don't have to hit someone to be charged with a Domestic Battery. Being...


Had a DUI and hired a lawyer who lived in my building that I knew for years and trusted. Thought he was my friend. Paid him (more than I should have) and he handled my case for almost a year and totally screwed it up. I fired him and found out that he had given up his law license around the time I...


I had been accused of doing something, by my then wife, that I did not do. I was 100% innocent and was at the lowest point in my life. My mother told me to call James Dimeas. Her friend recommended him to her. James fought for me in court and refused to back down, even when the prosecution offered...


James Dimeas is a great lawyer who knows what he is doing and will guide you through every step of the process. He will go above and beyond what he needs to do to help you out. Sometimes I would text him in the evening or the weekend with a question and he would always respond. Really made me feel...


I am so lucky to have stumbled upon this great attorney. I made a really stupid mistake at the worst time. I needed to get a case dismissed within 2 or 3 weeks so I could join the military. I could not leave for Basic Training until the case was dismissed and Jim made some calls and got the case...


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  1. 1 Free Consultation
  2. 2 Available 24/7
  3. 3 Over 25 Years of Experience
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