Highly Experienced
Criminal Defense Lawyer
Street Racing/Drag Racing attorney, James G. Dimeas, has spent more than 29 years representing clients charged with Street Racing/Drag Racing throughout Chicago, Cook County, DuPage County, Kane County and Lake County. Street Racing/Drag Racing lawyer, James Dimeas, understands the stress that a criminal defendant is faced with when facing serious criminal charges that could result in jail time and the loss of driving privileges. A conviction for Street Racing/Drag Racing, could have serious implications that could result in the loss of driving privileges and a jail sentence. Mr. Dimeas has the knowledge and the experience necessary to understand the ramifications of being charged with Street Racing/Drag Racing and will use his extensive experience and skills to make sure you do not lose your license and that you do not go to jail.
Street Racing used to be known as Drag Racing under the Illinois statute making it a crime. If you are being charged with Street Racing/Drag Racing, you are facing much more than just a simple or typical traffic ticket. Street Racing/Drag Racing is an actual crime in Illinois. Street Racing/Drag Racing is a Class A misdemeanor in Illinois which carries a maximum penalty of up to one year in county jail and a maximum fine up to $2,500. Street Racing/Drag Racing also carries a minimum fine up to $250. The minimum fine for a second offense for Street Racing/Drag Racing is $500.
In addition to the serious potential criminal penalties for Street Racing/Drag racing, a conviction for Street Racing/Drag Racing can have serious implications for your driver’s license and your driving privileges. If you are convicted of Street Racing/Drag Racing, your driver’s license will be revoked by the Illinois Secretary of State. A revocation of your driver’s license is different than a suspension of your driver’s license. A suspension of your driver’s license means that you will not be able to drive for a specific period of time. After that period of time ends, your license will be reinstated and you will be able to drive. A revocation means that your license is suspended for an indefinite period of time. The only way to get your license back and your driving privileges restored would be to appear for an Administrative Hearing before the Illinois Secretary of State and convince a Hearing Officer to reinstate your driver’s license. This can be a difficult and expensive process that could take many years.
Even if you are successful in having the Illinois Secretary of State reinstate your revoked driver’s license, the Secretary of State may require that you obtain a Restricted Driving Permit (RDP) for a period of time before allowing for a full reinstatement of your driving privileges. A Restricted Driving Permit only allows you to drive during certain times of the day and only on certain roads. Usually, the Restricted Driving Permit is issued to allow you to go back and forth to work and to address any necessary medical treatment needs.
There’s several ways that the Street Racing/Drag Racing statute (5/11-506) defines the criminal offense of Street Racing/Drag Racing in Illinois:
If the Street Racing/Drag Racing involves an accident which results in great bodily harm or permanent disability or disfigurement to another, you may be charged with Aggravated Street Racing. Aggravated Street Racing is a Class 4 Felony which carries a possible prison sentence of between 1 to 12 years.
If you allow your vehicle to be used for Street Racing/Drag Racing, you could be charged with a Class B misdemeanor. A second or subsequent charge for allowing your vehicle to be used for Street Racing/Drag Racing could result in a Class A Misdemeanor charge.
Street Racing/Drag Racing lawyer, James Dimeas, has spent the past 29 years handling Street Racing/Drag Racing cases throughout Chicago, Cook County, DuPage County, Kane County, and Lake County. Street Racing/Drag Racing attorney, James Dimeas, understands the various ways you can be charged with Street Racing/Drag Racing and understands what could happen if you are convicted of Street Racing/Drag Racing. A conviction for Street Racing/Drag Racing is not an option. James Dimeas will explore every possible option to avoid a conviction and avoid having your license be revoked. Street Racing/Drag Racing lawyer, James Dimeas, is well respected throughout all of the Courthouses and will use his experience and connections to avoid a conviction and prevent a revocation of your driver’s license.
If your license has been revoked because of a conviction for Street Racing/Drag Racing, you can contact James Dimeas to have the conviction vacated and to avoid having a conviction for Street Racing/Drag Racing appear on your driving record. If the conviction is vacated, this will result in the reinstatement of your driver’s license and you will be allowed to drive again.
James Dimeas is a nationally-recognized, award-winning criminal defense lawyer with over-29 years of experience handling Street Racing/Drag Racing cases throughout all the courthouses in Chicago, Cook County, DuPage County, Kane County and Lake County. James Dimeas’s accomplishments have been noticed and recognized by various local and national organizations. Recently, the American Society of Legal Advocates named James Dimeas a “Top 100 Criminal Defense Lawyer In the State of Illinois For the Year 2018, 2019, 2020, and 2021.” Expertise named James Dimeas a “Best Criminal Defense Lawyer in Chicago.” James Dimeas has been named as a “Best DUI Attorney.” The American Institute of Criminal Law Attorneys recognized James Dimeas as a “10 Best Attorney for Client Satisfaction.” The National Trial Lawyers recognized James Dimeas as a ‘Top 100 Criminal Defense Trial Lawyer.” Attorney and Practice Magazine gave James Dimeas the “Top 10 Criminal Defense Attorney Award for Illinois,” and the “Top 10 DUI Defense Attorney” award. The National Academy of Criminal Defense Attorneys gave James Dimeas the “Top 10 Attorney Award for the State of Illinois.” James Dimeas is rated “Superb,” 10 out of 10, by AVVO, the highest rating possible for any Street Racing/Drag Racing lawyer in the United States.
If you are facing Street Racing/Drag Racing criminal charges in Chicago, Cook County, DuPage County, Kane County, and Lake County, you can contact Street Racing/Drag Racing criminal defense lawyer, James Dimeas, anytime for a free and confidential consultation. You can always talk to James Dimeas personally by calling him at 847-807-7405.